Serology Screening for SARS-COV-2 Infection in Patients Undergoing Heart Transplantation and their Household Contacts
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Published: 14 June 2021 | Article Type :Abstract
Methods: Prevalence study, epidemiological survey, cross-sectional, for the presence of total antibodies to SARS-COV-2 in a population of heart transplant recipients and their household contacts.
Results: 80 participants, 38 (47%) heart transplantation, 42 (43%) household contacts. In Transplanted group: 3(8%) positive serology, 7(18%) symptomatic, 1 (3%) had symptoms and positive sorolgy, 2(5%) were asymptomatic and had positive sorology.; In household contacts 10(24%) positive serology, 14(33%) symptomatic, 8 (19%) had symptoms and positive sorolgy, 6(14%) were asymptomatic and had positive sorology. In Househould contacts group the correlation with symptoms of cough (p:0,002), anosmia (p:0,005) and ageusia (p:0,012) were statistically significant. In the population of transplanted patients, when analyzed separately, clinical symptoms did not correlate with positive serology (fever p: 0.225, cough p: 0.385).
Conclusions: The seroconversion rate in heart transplant recipients was lower than that of household contacts.There was no significant correlation between the description of clinical manifestations and the detection of total anti-SARS- COV-2 antibodies in transplant patients.
Keywords: COVID-19, transplantation, heart transplantation, acute respiratory distress syndrome, SARS-COV-2 serology, immunity.

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Ligia Espinoso Schtruk, Jacqueline Sampaio do Santos Miranda, Giovanna Ianini Barbosa, Ana Luiza Ferreira Salles, Tereza Cristina Fellipe Guimaraes, Angela Maria Rodrigues Dantas, Vitor Agueda Salles, Vaisnava Nogueira Cavalcante, Elisangela Cordeiro Reis, Luciana da Rocha Ferreira Lobbe, Sharon Kugel, Bruno Miranda Marques, Andrea Alfradique da Fonseca Brollo, Filipe Oliveira dos Reis, Gabrielle Manso de Carvalho, Ruth Stela de Azevedo Maia, Adriana Fernandes Duarte Marzullo, Danielle Rodrigues Nascimento, Helena Cramer Veiga Rey. (2021-06-14). "Serology Screening for SARS-COV-2 Infection in Patients Undergoing Heart Transplantation and their Household Contacts." *Volume 4*, 1, 25-29